Case Study

Quality Repair Centre Ltd

  • Industry: Bodyshop
  • Product: Advanced Funding
  • Owner: Ali Khan

Tell us about your company? 

Quality Repair Centre Ltd (QRC Ltd) is a well-established bodyshop operating in the automotive repair industry. We specialise in providing high-quality repair services, ranging from minor cosmetic work to extensive accident damage restoration. Over the years, we have built a reputation for excellence and reliability, serving both individual clients and large insurance companies.

Our main challenges include managing cash flow effectively due to the nature of insurance payments, which can often be delayed. This delay impacts our ability to pay suppliers promptly and maintain operational efficiency, especially during periods of high demand.

Why did you choose to work with ACG? 

We chose to work with ACG primarily because of their tailored financial solutions designed specifically for businesses in the automotive repair industry. The decision-making process involved evaluating several funding options, but ACG stood out due to their deep understanding of our industry’s cash flow challenges. Their Advanced Funding solution offered a flexible and efficient way to bridge the gap between invoicing and receiving payments from insurers, which was a critical factor in our decision.

How has ACG’s Advanced Funding solution impacted your bodyshop?

ACG’s Advanced Funding solution has significantly improved our cash flow management, allowing us to operate more smoothly and efficiently. By providing upfront funds against our receivables, we can now pay our suppliers on time, invest in necessary equipment, and even explore expansion opportunities without worrying about delayed payments. This financial stability has also allowed us to take on more work, increasing our overall productivity and profitability.

What is the major benefit to you and your bodyshop for using Advanced Funding?

The major benefit of using Advanced Funding is the enhanced cash flow, which has transformed how we operate. With immediate access to funds, we can make timely payments to suppliers, reduce financial stress, and focus on delivering top-notch services to our customers. This has not only improved our operational efficiency but has also enabled us to seize growth opportunities that were previously out of reach.

What is the biggest hurdle you overcame through using Advanced Funding?

The biggest hurdle we overcame was the cash flow gap caused by delayed insurance payments. Prior to using Advanced Funding, this delay often resulted in financial strain, making it difficult to manage day-to-day operations effectively. ACG’s solution provided the necessary liquidity to bridge this gap, allowing us to maintain a steady cash flow and ensure the smooth running of our business.

Why did you choose Advanced Funding to support your bodyshop’s finances?

We chose Advanced Funding to support our bodyshop’s finances because it offered a tailored solution that directly addressed our biggest financial challenge: delayed payments from insurers. The flexibility and speed of access to funds provided by ACG made it the ideal choice for our needs, allowing us to maintain financial stability and focus on growing our business.

How do you see ACG shaping the future of your bodyshops?

ACG is set to play a crucial role in the future of our bodyshops by providing ongoing financial support that allows us to expand our operations and take on more complex projects. With their Advanced Funding solution, we can plan for growth with confidence, knowing that cash flow issues will not hinder our progress. We anticipate that this partnership will enable us to continue delivering exceptional service while scaling our business effectively.

What recommendations would you give to bodyshops considering using Advanced Funding?

For bodyshops considering using Advanced Funding, I would highly recommend it. The solution has been instrumental in overcoming cash flow challenges and has provided us with the financial stability needed to grow our business. It’s important to partner with a provider like ACG, who understands the unique challenges of our industry and can offer a solution that truly meets your needs.

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