Case Study

Kudos Bodyworks

  • Industry: Bodyshop
  • Product: Authorised Funding
  • Owner: Marcus Dhanjal

Owner of Kudos Bodyworks, Marcus Dhanjal, shares his story of working with ACG and how it’s strengthened the funding of their bodyshop’s working capital and enabled him to shift focus onto future developments and growth plans.

Tell us about Kudos Bodyworks?

I started Kudos Bodyworks back in 2016, after working as a Bodyshop Manager for a number of years. Today, I’m very proud of the work we deliver to our customers. From the outset, I knew it was important to secure industry recognised approvals, as well as building up a strong network of insurers and loyal customers. However, getting to where we are today has been an exciting and demanding challenge. One of the biggest hurdles was acquiring the finances to build up a healthy working capital. In the early days, I’d use a mix of loans, credit cards and other factoring services, but managing this was inefficient, wasteful, and expensive, but appeared to be my only option.

How long have you worked with ACG?

ACG has been an important part of our bodyshop operations since 2020, their funding solutions support our cash flow and in turn grows our working capital, enabling us to build a stronger bodyshop. I really value relationships in business, and I know the team at ACG has always got my back. If I’m ever in a tight squeeze, their quick funding solution is a lifesaver for me.

How does ACG impact your day-to-day running of your bodyshop?

Working with ACG has made me think smarter about money. Kudos Bodyworks is now at a point in its financial history where we have no outstanding loans or credit cards, leaving us in a brilliant position. There is comfort in knowing our working capital is funded 100% out of our money, and I’m not worried about monthly repayments or paying off costly debt. Moving into 2024, my cash flow has never been healthier. Being in this position enables me time and opportunity to focus on the future and how we can grow Kudos Bodyworks into a group.

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