Case Study

Innocent Driver

  • Industry: Accident Management Company
  • Product: Credit Repair
  • Owner: Tony Parris

Tell us about your company?

Innocent Driver was set up around five years ago and is a specialist in non-fault motor accident claims. We’re a straight-talking bunch and proud of the work we do for our customers, which is reflected in our Trustpilot reviews. We work with a wide network, including insurance brokers, bodyshops and fleet management companies, as well as the general public, so we always need to be on the top of our game.

Why did you choose to work with ACG?

We’re all about efficiency at Innocent Driver, and any solution that supports and speeds up our repair process for our customers is a win-win. Working with ACG, we knew they were a knowledgeable about the industry, and their unique funding solution not only reduces our financial risk, but it supports our mission to deliver a seamless service to our customer.

How has ACG addressed challenges in your business?

Having ACG as our funding partner for credit repair just makes life easier. They’re no hassle, and on hand to resolve any issues. Their funding service gives me confidence as a business owner. We have a great working relationship and things work having them onboard.

How do you see the continued impact of our service on your business in the long term?

ACG has a firm place in the future of Innocent Driver. They play a key role in the efficient management of our money. Keeping it flowing through the business, which in turn supports our relationship with our network of companies, further reducing our financial risk. At the end of the day, with ACG onboard, I’m not worried about chasing and recovering outstanding debt. Enabling me to focus on the future growth plans of Innocent Driver.

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