Case Study

EV Bodyshops

  • Industry: Bodyshop
  • Product: Authorised Funding
  • Owner: Adam Thurman

Tell us about your company?

EV Bodyshops opened its doors in June 2021 as the UK’s first dedicated centre for electric vehicle repair. In just over two and a half years, we have positioned ourselves as a leading EV specialist supporting our nationwide network of dealerships and customers. As a result of this, we have been fortunate to be recognised and rewarded as specialist bodyshop of the year in 2023 by Bodyshop Magazine. Like many start-up businesses, raising capital in the early years is difficult. However, bringing ACG on board from the start has given us a financial boost we never expected, propelling our business even further.

Why did you choose to work with ACG?

ACG was one of the first partners we brought on board. Their funding services allowed us to be more efficient with our money and time, streamlining our processes and enabling us to deploy resources where we need it. Being a young business means we must remain agile, and having ACG as a funding partner has got us to where we are today.

How has it been working with ACG?

I’m amazed at how easy working with ACG is. Their processes are so easy and straightforward. The fact that we can finish a job, raise the invoice, and send it over to ACG and not have to worry about chasing payments 30/60 days down the line, means we can get on with growing the business. The hours I have wasted chasing insurance companies for payment updates are a thing of the past with ACG. If there is ever a problem, or I have a question, their team is always on hand to help.

What features or aspects of our service do you find most valuable and unique to your needs?

For any start-up, it’s costly and time-consuming to source funds to build up a substantial working capital, but having the support of ACG has meant we have minimised our need for dealing with banks or other investors for capital, saving us money and in the long run ensuring we’re funding our own operating costs.

How do you see the continued impact of our service on your business in the long term?

Using ACG to process our invoices, has significantly sped up our growth plans, meaning that we have had to review our existing business plan as we are tracking ahead of where we thought we were going to be. I’m excited to have ACG alongside us as we continue to expand and increase our operations.

Would you recommend working with ACG?

Absolutely. Their processes are slick and easy to use. ACG does exactly what we need them to do for our business, and they never disappoint. They’re a great bunch, I can pick up the phone to them with a question or query, and they’re always willing to spare the time to support. I trust ACG to manage our invoices and have no concerns about working with them.

What advice would you give other companies considering working with them?

Don’t hesitate. Just try it out. Have a chat with them and send across one or two invoices and see how you get on. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed. For the nominal fee it costs, it’s well worth it.

We’re here to help

Contact one of our team if you have any questions